Education, GBV, News, VSLA

Training: Women’s VSLA Groups

We kicked off our first round of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA) training for more than 50 women who are key representatives in their local savings groups. Women from the Koch-Goma sub-county area gathered for a 2-day intensive workshop designed to introduce them to the basics of setting up their own savings groups.

Over 50 women gather together to receive training on the foundations of VSLA and to start defining roles within their groups.

Women received training about the principles of the savings and loan program to better understand how VSLA works and to provide them with ideas on how to best implement their own groups. Throughout the 2 days, our beneficiaries were given resources and instructions on how to track their daily expenses so that they can better manage their household finances. Women were provided with lock boxes with three different locks, calculators, tracking logs, and loan book to support these activities.

We will be closely following these women to ensure that their groups are well-functioning by visiting them bi-monthly on the field. We will also be providing them with future training opportunities to guide them along their journey to economic empowerment.

Good luck, ladies!