Community Sensitization, Education, GBV, News, Role Model Men

A bird’s eye view into handle’s activities: Making a U-turn to end violence against women

For over 2 years now HANDLE South Sudan has done the very necessary work of creating and testing theories, strategies, and techniques for working with men to end violence against women.

Strategic partnership with Stakeholders and the duty bearers

Continuous examination of our work and its effectiveness has taught us that confronting a problem as entrenched as violence against women requires critical analysis of existing standards, creative thinking, and the courage to introduce new paradigms. Our goal is premised on contributing to a peaceful society where poor and vulnerable women and girls, men and boys are aware and enjoy their full human rights. With this in mind, HANDLE South Sudan undertook a joint venture in partnership with OMOANA and Magwi County and engaged in comprehensive prevention and response to gender based violence in Magwi County.

Stakeholder meeting for strategic engagement and planning

In this partnership, HANDLE provided technical resources that supported the implementation of activities towards prevention of the GBV cases within the community. The new-standard approach of working with men as Role Model has been a better approach to end GBV. Our experience led us to believe that community-based strategies of identifying and educating more male allies strengthened collaborative ties between men and women.

A Role Model Man Maneuvering his way through the village pathways for household dialogue

With this mind, HANDLE South Sudan managed to address the norms of patriarchy that affected how men and boys see themselves in relation to women and girls, shaping their behavior, and the behavior they expect from others. Hence the intervention also involved interaction with children to promote respectful relationships and gender equality. At community level Role Model Men (RMM) act a “best bet” for faster, sustained progress on preventing and eradicating discrimination basing on sex.

The intervention therefore deconstructed the normalized practices deeply rooted on inequalities between men and women. HANDLE South Sudan placed a strong focus on prevention through the promotion of gender equality, and women’s empowerment. It also means making the home and public spaces safer for women and girls, ensuring women’s economic autonomy and security, and increasing women’s participation and decision-making powers in the home and relationships, as well as in Working with men and boys accelerated progress in reducing violence against women and girls. These progress were based on many analysis, strategic planning and stakeholders mapping formed a basic for community transformation.

VSLA model used as an entry point for women economic empowerment
Community sensitization on danger of GBV

Putting theory into practice

The use of the Role Model Men invites men to examine their beliefs and behaviors in a way that gets to the very core of what it means to be a man. To authentically and compassionately challenge other men, we have to be willing to excavate our own belief systems and face the ways that they might be destructive to ourselves and to women.

This is done not to shame fellow men, punish ourselves, or impress women with our sensitivity. We do it to free ourselves and to clear a path for other men to copy and paste in their family and also challenge ourselves and other men with authority and compassion. We are also the work.

A role model man moving with his spouse for a community meeting

HANDLE’s approach of using men as agent of change, men as equal partner to women and men as client left both people of concerned and GBV stakeholders with guiding principles and tested practices for community transformation. We believe that our strategies and processes in planning and implementing these programs can aid anyone seeking to take the work of ending violence against women. And with observation, the involvement of men in violence prevention work was looked at as an effective ways to collaborate with women advocates. Finally, working with community for community gave us a learning experience that the reality of gender role and discrimination cannot be ignored when developing strategies for increasing the safety of vulnerable women and girls and men and boys.